Housekeeping Underway!

Hey Everyone!

I’ve been spending the better part of this evening cleaning up the website visually.  What I will be working on during this week is both cleaning up and organizing the content that is presently here.  My hope is to also to have a more narrowed focus as it relates to topics I write about.  The really cool thing I would like to do this year is have a place where guests can suggest topics or ask me general technology questions and I do my best to answer!

Be on the lookout for my graduation from WGU, coming in November (Lord willing)!

Before I sign off on this very short post, I invite (and encourage) you to sign up for my mailing list, It’ll provide a weekly summary of any new or updated content on my website.  It only goes out ONCE a week, so it won’t SPAM your inbox, promise.  In the mean time, feel free to hit the Contact link at the top of the page and send me a message with any comments, questions, or concerns!



The Elephant Out of the Room

The Elephant Out of the Room

HAPPY (ALMOST) 2020!!!!!

As we are getting ready to exit another year (or decade for that matter), I’m considering ways to clean up clutter in my life, and my digital life is no exception.  For about 10 years, I have been a premium user of Evernote.  And during that decade, we’ve had a lot of great memories shared and stored.  Slowly, but surely, I’ve not only fallen out of love with it, it has turned into more of a liability than an asset (financially and personally).  When February 2020 rolls around, I will not be renewing my nearly 80 buck a year subscription.  The amount of feature development and grow compared to the sharp price increase a few years back makes nixing Evernote a no brainer.

I will discuss in much more detail about the platform I have moved all of my personal notes, documents, etc. to:  Notion.  The fact they offer a seamless export of my Evernote data to their service was icing on the cake!  I have done some pretty awesome things so far with it that has motivated me to get my life together as a whole.  In the coming weeks and months, I’ll share some different use cases and offer some custom templates to help you as well.  For now, I encourage you to check out Notion and sign up for a free account (I don’t get any money for this, LOL).  The free account gives you 1000 blocks to build an awesome notebook, wiki, etc. If you like it enough to pay for it, a personal subscription is $4 per month.  Let me see if I can make it any sweeter…If you are a student with a current .EDU e-mail address, you can get a personal subscription for FREE!

That about wraps things up with me for now.  I’ll also share some cool experiences from my family vacation heading into the new year.  Until then, have a joyous, prosperous, and blessed new year!


What a year…

So, I have noticed it has been well over a year since I wrote a blog post.  Much of my energy is devoted to God, family, work, and school!  I do plan on writing more regularly once I complete school and have more ownership of my time.  For now, I am making sure my work portfolio and resume are staying up to date on the website here.  In the meantime, if you have any questions or would like for me to share my knowledge and thoughts on just about anything tech related, just click on the contact link in the site header or leave a comment below.



Thanks for visiting!  My plan is to use this to develop a comprehensive portfolio of my progress while in school, both personally and professionally.  Please forgive me for not having a more detailed post, but I will be working on my personal convictions as well as professional philosophy statement very soon.

I want to say thank you to my God for having the opportunity to further my knowledge in information technology!  I also cannot do this without the support of my wife and our family; they mean the universe to me.

With that said, I hope that we all get to learn something together from this journey!