Another One Bites the Dust: Windows 7 Sent Out to Pasture (for most folks)

Another One Bites the Dust: Windows 7 Sent Out to Pasture (for most folks)

So Long, Farewell…

Apart from the exception where businesses can practically give Microsoft their arms and legs for extended support of the increasingly decrepit Windows 7 operating system, a cyber homegoing was conducted for official support of all versions of Windows 7 on January 14, 2020.  This DOES NOT mean your computer will suddenly stop working.  However, unless you don’t mind uninvited guests found in a wide variety of malware and other intrusions by crafty hackers, it is time to hop off this Titanic of computer operating systems!

What do I do?  Where do I go now?

Glad you asked (even if you didn’t, I’m still glad)!  The way I see it is you have 3 main directions you can possibly go to continue using the internet safely on personal computers:

  1. Upgrade your current PC to Windows 10
  2. Go with a new operating system (*coughs* LINUX *coughs*)
  3. Purchase a totally new computer (Whether its a PC or Mac is up to you)

Now, you may notice the 4th choice is in invisible ink.  GOTCHA!  It’s blank because if you care about the safety of your information and, especially, your identity, you wouldn’t dare allow yourself to stay with something that no longer protects you from attacks, would you?  I know a couple of posts before I mentioned this great service called Notion.  Don’t worry, I have not forgotten to go in-depth.  It was needful, however, to share this important bit of tech news in a sharp and candid way.

This is Why you Should Subscribe!

Before I go, I want to put one more shameless plug in for signing up for my weekly newsletter.  I will be writing more short, but very relevant articles.  I recognize that for many, so much of this technobabble makes absolutely no sense.  Nevertheless, THIS is what drives all the stuff you take for granted (Insta, Facebook, Twitter, and so on).  The 4, I mean 3 options I mentioned a moment ago will be covered in more depth throughout the rest of January.  You can sign up for the newsletter by either hitting the bottom subscribe button that follows you throughout my website, OR fill out the brief form in the right column of this post.

That’s All Folks!

Feel free to post your comments, questions, concerns, topic ideas, and whatever is on your mind (RESPECTFULLY OF COURSE)!
